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Thursday, March 28, 2019
9. The European Congress of Small and Medium-size Enterprises will be held on October 16-18, 2019 at the International Congress Center in Katowice.

Small and medium enterprise is the most important sector of the Polish economy. It is also the main topic of the European Congress of Small and Medium-size Enterprises.

This year's European Congress of SMEs will run under the slogan "SMART, SAFE, SOLUTIONS". The whole covering three intense days will be full of sessions, debates and workshops taking place within a dozen thematic paths, over which the CCI team in Katowice has already started their work.

We are happy that our Congress is permanently inscribed in the tradition of European economic events. During the organized panels - on the development opportunities and challenges faced by entrepreneurs - the most important people in the state, personalities from the world of science, politics and economy as well as foreign delegations from dozens of countries will discuss.

- Three days of talks and meetings concerning SMEs in the form of lectures, discussion panels and workshops give us all the opportunity to look at the current challenges of this sector from a new perspective. This form of meetings turns out to be effective - every year we break new records: we managed to collect over 7.5 thousand. registered participants, we hosted delegations from 37 countries from around the world, we organized over 100 events, and 115 exhibitors took part in the Biznes Expo Fair. Congress is not only a place for meetings and talks, but also a space for building plans for the sector of Small and Medium-size Enterprises. We hope that the knowledge gained during the Congress will be successfully used in the future. - says Tomasz Zjawiony, President of the Chamber of Commerce in Katowice.

Everyone interested in co-creating the Congress and promotion during it is already invited to contact us. Contact details for relevant people can be found in the "contact" tab.
This year, participants will be able to register from mid-June.
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